Ms. Rose advises clients on compliance, transactions, and litigation in healthcare, cybersecurity, corporate and securities law, while successfully representing plaintiffs in False Claims Act and Dodd-Frank whistleblower cases
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Touted as the first state bar in the nation to require specific CLE hours related to cybersecurity, privacy, and data protection, New York's requirements become effective on July 1, 2023. The professional responsibility and obligation to have competency in technology is, however, not new, as many states have adopted the ABA Model Rule's requirement. The purpose of this webinar is to explain the New York Bar's requirements and the application to other states. Risk mitigation strategies will also be included, along with explanations of key terms to appreciate and how they relate to protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of a law firm's data.
Key topics to be discussed:
Date: April 6, 2023
Closed-captioning available
Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA is a Principal with Rachel V. Rose | Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C. (Houston, TX)
Ms. Rose advises clients on compliance, transactions, and litigation in healthcare, cybersecurity, corporate and securities law, while successfully representing plaintiffs in False Claims Act and Dodd-Frank whistleblower cases.
Fellow of the Federal Bar Association. Currently, she is serves on the Federal Bar Association Board of Directors, a Member and Immediate Past-Chair of the Federal Bar Association’s Government Relations Committee, and an advisory board member of the Federal Bar Association’s Qui Tam Section. Ms. Rose is the co-editor of the American Health Lawyers Association’s Enterprise Risk Management Handbook for Healthcare Entities (2nd Edition), as well as a co-author of the ABA’s books The ABCs of ACOs and What Are International HIPAA Considerations?
In addition to being extensively published and a sought-after presenter and quoted expert, Ms. Rose holds an MBA with minors in healthcare and entrepreneurship from Vanderbilt University, and a law degree from Stetson University College of Law, where she graduated with various honors.
She has been named consecutively to the Texas Bar College, the National Women Trial Lawyers Association’s Top 25, Houstonia Magazine’s Top Lawyers (healthcare), the National Trial Lawyers Association’s Top 100, The Top One Percent, as well as 1st Healthcare Compliance’s 2019 Top Presenter. Ms. Rose is also an Affiliated Member with the Baylor College of Medicine’s Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy, where she teaches bioethics.
Federal Court Admissions: Supreme Court of the United States, CO, DC, SDTX, NDTX, EDTX and WDTX.
See for additional information.
I. Understand 22 NYC RR §1500.2’s requirements, which become effective July 1, 2023 | 2:00pm – 2:15pm
II. Appreciate that similar obligations exist in other states and the ABA Model Rules, which require technical competency | 2:15pm – 2:30pm
III. Learn cybersecurity key terms and how prevention, detection, and correction play a role in upholding legal ethics related to data and client information | 2:30pm – 2:45pm
IV. Glean practical steps that any size law firm can take and appreciate the current cybersecurity risk landscape | 2:45pm – 3:00pm
only $395 yearly
only $395 yearly