Mr. Howard is lead Franchise Counsel at L&F Brown, P.C. where oversees all franchise-related transactional and litigation matters.
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This program will provide a comprehensive overview on the terminology, documents and regulatory framework involved in franchising. It will cover key components in reviewing a Franchise Disclosure Document and the important aspects to consider when reviewing a Franchise Agreement. Join our experienced attorney as he provides a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of franchising and equip participants with the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions when engaging in franchising arrangements.
Key topics to be discussed:
Date: April 4, 2023
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Chris Howard | L&F Brown, P.C.
Mr. Howard is lead Franchise Counsel at L&F Brown, P.C. where oversees all franchise-related transactional and litigation matters.
He has experience working as in house counsel at several national franchisors and has represented franchisors and franchisees across the country for their franchise compliance, corporate, litigation, trademark, and employment matters.
He is a published author in the field of franchising where he has articles featured in the Franchise Law Journal.
Mr. Howard graduated from SMU Dedman School of Law and has a degree in organizational leadership and business administration at the University of Arkansas-Fort Smith where he attended on a baseball scholarship.
I. Terminology & key documents | 2:00pm – 2:20pm
II. Regulatory framework overview | 2:20pm – 2:40pm
III. Key aspects in reviewing a Franchise Disclosure Document | 2:40pm – 3:00pm
Break | 3:00pm – 3:10pm
IV. How to review a Franchise Agreement | 3:10pm – 3:40pm
only $395 yearly
only $395 yearly