THC/Cannabis Toxicology: Recognizing impairment

Ed Barey, BS
Ed Barey, BS | Godoy Medical Forensics

Ed Barley is a retired Senior Criminalist who worked with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. He has been working in forensic sciences since 1991 and as a private consultant since 2012.

On-Demand: January 27, 2023

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Program Summary

With the legalization of marijuana and the recent innovations in the delivery and ingestion of Cannabis in both psychoactive and non-psychoactive forms, there has been a surge of Cannabis related cases in the criminal arena. This presentation is designed to educate attorneys and investigators on the DRE process and how it applies when Cannabis is the drug perceived to be resulting in impairment.

Key topics to be discussed:

  • Be familiar with the chemical breakdown of THC and understand the psychoactive vs non-psychoactive metabolites
  • Have an understanding of the DRE 12-step process
  • Be aware of the pitfalls of Field Sobriety Tests and the DRE examination
  • Be familiar with some studies and court cases related to THC and DRE examinations

Date: September 8, 2023

Closed-captioning available


Ed Barey, BS_ Godoy Medical Forensics_myLawCLEEd Barey, BS | Godoy Medical Forensics

Ed Barley is a retired Senior Criminalist who worked with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. He has been working in forensic sciences since 1991 and as a private consultant since 2012. Ed has worked with both prosecution and defense attorneys. He has a BS in Biochemistry from the California State University Long Beach and currently lives in the Los Angeles area. Through consulting and testimony, he has assisted attorneys in obtaining an honest and fair resolution in hundreds of criminal and civil cases. Ed is a contract forensic toxicologist with Godoy Medical Forensics and has consulted on cases nationwide and has worked at both the federal and state levels.


I. Chemical breakdown/Toxicology | 2:00pm – 2:10pm

II. Retrograde extrapolation discussion | 2:10pm – 2:20pm

III. DRE – a review of the 12-step evaluation | 2:20pm – 2:30pm

IV. Scientific studies | 2:30pm – 2:40pm

V. Court cases | 2:40pm – 2:50pm

VI. Pitfalls | 2:50pm – 3:00pm