Brett Bitzer is a Senior Trial Attorney at Callahan & Blaine, APLC.
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This course examines the relevant elements, defenses, and recoverable damages in every type of defamation case. The course further examines the key procedural laws relating to defamation including, but not limited to, the California Anti-SLAPP statute. This course further outlines and discusses some of the most significant public rulings nationwide in defamation cases and concludes with providing tips and best practices for both prosecuting and defending against defamation cases.
Key topics to be discussed:
Date / Time: October 25, 2023
Closed-captioning available
Brett Bitzer | Callahan & Blaine, APLC.
Brett Bitzer is a Senior Trial Attorney at Callahan & Blaine, APLC. Mr. Bitzer is an experienced trial attorney successfully representing both plaintiff and defendants in diverse subject matters including business litigation, catrostophic personal injury and wrongful death, defamation, breach of contract, employment and labor law claims, trademark infringement, professional malpractice, fraud, finaancial elder abuse, and class actions
I. Defamation: Essential Elements | 2:00pm – 2:15pm
II. Defenses and Damages | 2:15pm – 2:30pm
III. Reviewing Key Laws Relating to Defamation (Anti-SLAPP) | 2:30pm – 2:45pm
IV. 2023 Case Updates and Notable Public Rulings | 2:45pm – 3:00pm
Break | 3:00pm – 3:10pm
V. Making Your Case: Best Practices for Prosecuting and Defending Defamation Claims | 3:10pm – 3:25pm
VI. Litigating Cases Involving Public Figures | 3:25pm – 3:40pm
only $395 yearly
only $395 yearly