Dan Schiavetta, of counsel to Russo & Gould LLP in New York City, has been a litigator for 30 years and is admitted in all New York and New Jersey state and federal courts and the Second and Third Circuit Courts of Appeals.
Cari Sheehan is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Business Law & Ethics at the IU Kelley School of Business – Indianapolis where she currently teaches Commercial Law and Business Ethics.
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Session I - How the Internet Is Making Lawyering Worse and How to Stay Good in Spite of It – Daniel Schiavetta
Internet based technologies, such as email, document management software, teleconferencing, and ediscovery, for all their upsides, are in fact making it harder to do diligent lawyering. This course analyzes how technology has changed the way lawyers work and even think, and how some basic rules of evidence can no longer be followed. Due to professional pressures we are forced into technologies we don’t need and forced to practice in sloppy ways where mistakes are more likely. We are increasingly surrounded by “dark matter”, case file materials or relevant evidence which cannot be accessed and which we may not even know exists. Strange as it might seem much of our time now is waiting for software to execute, time which we cannot devote to other matters. The presentation ends with simple suggestions on how to get the digital beast under control.
Key topics to be discussed:
Session II - Ethical Concerns: Social Media, advertising, and civility – Cari Sheehan
In social media usage by lawyers, maintaining confidentiality (Rule 1.6) and avoiding actions prejudicial to justice (Rule 8.4) are crucial. Adhering to advertising rules (7.1 to 7.5) ensures transparency and accuracy online. Ethical concerns arise with AI in marketing. Civility entails refraining from personal attacks, respecting differing views, and avoiding false information online. This session will cover these points and more.
Key topics to be discussed:
Closed-captioning available
Dan Schiavetta | Russo & Gould LLP
Dan Schiavetta, of counsel to Russo & Gould LLP in New York City, has been a litigator for 30 years and is admitted in all New York and New Jersey state and federal courts and the Second and Third Circuit Courts of Appeals. For 20 years he defended the Catholic Church in sexual abuse cases and other matters. He also has wide experience in insurance coverage litigation, nursing home defense, and appellate practice. He is a 1992 graduate of the University of California, Davis School of Law where he was a law review editor and moot court judge. In his previous career as a social worker he was the director of a crisis center and 24-hour hotline. He is also the author of “The Supreme Court for Short Attention Spans: 2000 Tiny Case Summaries Too Short to Bore You”, available on Amazon.
Cari Sheehan | IU Kelley School of Business
Cari Sheehan is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Business Law & Ethics at the IU Kelley School of Business – Indianapolis where she currently teaches Commercial Law and Business Ethics. Additionally, Ms. Sheehan is an Adjunct Professor at the Robert H. McKinney School of Law where she has taught courses in Appellate Practice and Procedure, Torts, and Professional Responsibility. In practice, Ms. Sheehan is a conflict ethics attorney at Scopelitis Garvin Light Hanson & Feary advising on ethical issues. Ms. Sheehan is a well-respected seminar and continuing legal education speaker covering a range of ethical issues across various platforms both locally and on a national level. Similarly, Ms. Sheehan authors a business ethics column in conjunction with the Hamilton County Business Journal about the benefits and pitfalls of business ethics.
Contact Info:
Email: clsheeha@iu.edu; or csheehan@scopelitis.com
Tel: (812) 239-4187
Session I – How the Internet Is Making Lawyering Worse and How to Stay Good in Spite of It | 11:00am – 12:00pm
Break | 12:00pm – 12:10pm
Session II – Ethical Concerns: Social Media, advertising, and civility | 12:10pm – 1:10pm
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