Rachel has a unique background, having worked in many different facets of healthcare, securities, cybersecurity, as well as international law and business throughout her career. For over a decade, her practice has focused on transactional, compliance, and litigation matters related to cybersecurity, health care, securities, and Dodd-Frank/False Claims Act whistleblower claims.
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As generative artificial intelligence (AI) is integrated into the practice of law, lawyers and judges alike have a lot to consider. First and foremost, lawyers need to consider their ethical obligations – everything from using generative AI to write client correspondence and Memoranda, filing items in Article I and Article III courts, as well as attorneys’ fees. This webinar delves into not only what AI is but recent government items. Additionally, a focus will be placed on what courts and judges are requiring of attorneys utilizing AI, what happens when attorneys file items with a court attesting to the truth and accuracy of the information without verifying that the information is actually truthful and accurate, and evidentiary considerations under the Federal Rules of Evidence.
Key topics to be discussed:
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Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA (Houston, Texas)
Rachel has a unique background, having worked in many different facets of healthcare, securities, cybersecurity, as well as international law and business throughout her career. For over a decade, her practice has focused on transactional, compliance, and litigation matters related to cybersecurity, health care, securities, and Dodd-Frank/False Claims Act whistleblower claims. She has conducted HIPAA Risk Analyses for a variety of domestic and international organizations and represented persons related to government enforcement inquiries and responses on cybersecurity and healthcare related matters. Ms. Rose worked on Capitol Hill when HIPAA passed in 1996 and worked at HHS in 2009 when the HITECH Act was being implemented.
In addition to being extensively published, a sought-after presenter, and quoted expert, Ms. Rose holds an MBA with minors in healthcare and entrepreneurship from Vanderbilt University, a law degree from Stetson University College of Law, and an Executive Certification in Leadership and Negotiation from Harvard Law School. She is also the co-editor of the American Health Lawyers Association’s Enterprise Risk Management Handbook for Healthcare Entities (2nd Edition), as well as a co-author of the ABA’s books The ABCs of ACOs and What Are International HIPAA Considerations?, as well as various chapters in legal and medical books alike.
She has been named consecutively to the Texas Bar College, the National Women Trial Lawyers Association’s Top 25, Houstonia Magazine’s Top Lawyers (healthcare), the National Trial Lawyers Association’s Top 100, SuperLawyers (healthcare), as well as 1st Healthcare Compliance’s 2019 and 2022 Top Presenter. Ms. Rose is also an Affiliated Member with the Baylor College of Medicine’s Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy, where she teaches bioethics.
I. Noteworthy News Items | 11:00am – 11:15am
II. Defining AI and key considerations set forth by accepted standards and government entities | 11:15am – 11:25am
III. ABA guidance, State Bar updates, and related ethics areas that can lead to adverse consequences when using generative AI without safeguards |11:25am – 12:00pm
Break | 12:00pm – 12:10pm
IV. What are courts and judges saying and requiring? | 12:10pm – 12:25pm
V. Submissions and evidence in legal proceedings | 12:25pm – 1:00pm
VI. Government contracting considerations | 1:00pm – 1:05pm
VII. Conclusion | 1:05pm – 1:10pm
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