David Henry is a nationally recognized expert and lecturer on mediation advocacy and ethics.
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Hear how law firms use mediation advocacy to distinguish themselves from the competition. Here you will learn what is required of law firms to retain clients and increase profitability in a resolution-based culture. Graduate from trial advocate to a valuable client problem-solver in the legal marketplace. Surveys reveal that institutional purchasers of litigation services do not use trial results as the barometer for selecting law firms. Most in-house counsel and litigation managers cite counsel’s responsiveness, reporting, and efficient resolution as their key factors for choosing law firms. Success in mediation will continue to be one of the key factors by which law firms are measured.
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David W. Henry | Henry Mediation P. A.
David Henry is a nationally recognized expert and lecturer on mediation advocacy and ethics. He is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Civil Mediator and a former mediation trainer for one of the largest law litigation firms in the U.S. Before becoming a full-time mediator, he was a litigator and national settlement counsel for a major insurance carrier. He serves on the Florida Supreme Court ADR Rules and Policy Committee and has spoken to thousands of attorneys, insurance professionals, and risk managers across the United States, Canada, and at Lloyds London
I. Factors influencing selection of law firms by institutional purchasers, declining trials | 12:00pm – 12:20pm
II. Transitioning from trial advocate to client problem-solver. Why mediation matters: Client retention and profitability in a resolution-based culture | 12:20pm – 12:40pm
III. Seeing the big picture: The importance of pre-mediation communication, position statements and opening session, selection of the mediator, magistrate v private mediators | 12:40pm – 1:00pm
Break | 1:00pm – 1:10pm
IV. Avoid the potholes that lead to impasse, creating a pre-mediation countdown, mediation timing, common errors and myths, multi-party concerns; non-economic terms, insurance coverage problems | 1:10pm – 1:25pm
V. The role of mediation in providing access to justice, the future for law firms seeking market share | 1:25pm – 1:40pm
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only $395 yearly