Tom Brooke litigates on behalf of and consults clients on trademark, copyright, patent, and trade secret issues. He has appeared in Federal Court all over the U.S. and handled matters for clients in every major country.
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This webinar will discuss protection of intellectual property, ranging from patent protection for unique methods, copyright protection for artwork and trademark protection for brands are essential to building and sustaining value. As with any other marketplace, metaverse users must associate a unique trademark with the service or product offered. The Trademark Office and the Courts are in the midst of erecting boundaries and guardrails.
Key topics to be discussed:
Date: May 26, 2023
Closed-captioning available
Thomas W. Brooke | Holland & Knight
Tom Brooke litigates on behalf of and consults clients on trademark, copyright, patent, and trade secret issues. He has appeared in Federal Court all over the U.S. and handled matters for clients in every major country. As Chair of INTA’s Legislation Committee Tom helped draft the Federal Trademark Dilution and Anti-Cybersquatting statutes. He currently serves on the INTA Internet Committee. Tom has also chaired the International Trademark Association (INTA) U.S. Trademark Office Practice Committee and served on the INTA North American Global Advisory Council. Past committee assignments include the Amicus Committee, Emerging Issues Committee, and others.
Tom founded INTA’s Political Action Committee and served as its first Chair. Tom chaired IPO’s Legislative Analysis Subcommittee, served on the Board of the Virginia State Bar’s Intellectual Property Law Section, on the Council of the ABA’s IP Law Section and as Chair of the ABA Section’s Trademark Division.
I. Identifying the goods and services sold under the mark in question with precision | 3:00pm – 3:20pm
II. Protecting brands in order to protect content | 3:20pm – 3:40pm
III. Litigation strategies | 3:40pm – 4:00pm
only $395 yearly
only $395 yearly