Robert A. Creo has over 40 years of practical experience in the dispute resolution field as an attorney, author, arbitrator, mediator, special master, and educator
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In this program, Robert A. Creo, renowned for his skills as a mediator, arbitrator, and storyteller, will explore how storytelling creates persuasive meaning that is beneficial not only resolving claims in litigation, but also in transactional advocacy. Participants will have the opportunity to create and submit concise tales to share during the program by posting.
Key topics to be discussed:
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Robert A. Creo | National Academy of Arbitrators
Robert A. Creo has over 40 years of practical experience in the dispute resolution field as an attorney, author, arbitrator, mediator, special master, and educator. For over two decades he served as an Adjunct Professor at Duquesne University School of Law, (1991) and the University of Pittsburgh School of Law (2001 – 2012) teaching courses on dispute resolution and decision making. He has served as a mediator and arbitrator in thousands of civil cases (over 5,000 days) since 1979, including for Major League Baseball, National Football League and the United States Senate Select Committee on Ethics, and the Court for Arbitration of Sports (CAS-TAS) headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland.
He has presented extensively on ADR, decision making, ethics, negotiating, and effective lawyering. He has authored books, including the treatise “Alternative Dispute Resolution: Law, Procedure and Commentary for the Pennsylvania Practitioner” (George T. Bisel Co. 2006), the Federal Arbitration Advocate’s Handbook, 2d. Ed. (LPR, 1993) over 50 columns of The Effective Lawyer in PA Lawyer, and over 90 columns of The Master Mediator published by CPR Alternative to the High Cost of Litigation. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief, Elkouri and Elkouri, How Arbitration Works (Bloomberg).
As the co-founder of Mediators Beyond Borders International he has been involved in international educational and humanitarian projects. He is the principal of Steel City Storytellers, LLC, which focuses on the spoken word as a means of creating connection, trust, and persuasion. and co-produces television pilots of storytellers.
Mr. Creo graduated from Washington University School of Law in St. Louis (1977), serving as the law review senior editor and Brandeis University, Magna cum Laude (1974). His website is and email:
I. Crafting your story from the factual context | 1:00pm – 1:15pm
II. Every scene, narrative, or incident has multiple perspectives | 1:15pm – 1:30pm
III. Basic arc of the story | 1:30pm – 1:45pm
IV. How emotions, perspectives and values matter | 1:45pm – 2:00pm
Break | 2:00pm – 2:10pm
V. Engaging the listener | 2:10pm – 2:30pm
VI. Oral delivery tips for negotiations and litigation | 2:30pm – 2:50pm
VII. Presenting the story in letters and briefs | 2:50pm – 3:10pm
only $395 yearly
only $395 yearly